Predicting the Web Development Landscape for 2017: What to Expect?

by Alex Gurkin | Updated: Oct 18, 2023

Hello, fellow developers and tech enthusiasts! As we wind down 2016, it’s only natural to ponder about what the next year has in store for us, especially in the fast-evolving world of web development. I’m here today to share my opinion on the trends and technologies that I believe will significantly impact our work in 2017.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

As a web developer, I’m genuinely excited about Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). If you haven’t heard about them, PWAs essentially bridge the gap between web and native applications. They use modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience. Imagine web apps that function offline, send push notifications, and can even access device hardware.

Why is this a big deal? Well, PWAs offer more than just convenience; they give web apps the opportunity to be more reliable, faster, and more engaging. This, I believe, will prompt a lot of businesses to transition their web strategies to incorporate PWAs, providing a win-win situation for both developers and end-users.

JavaScript Frameworks: React, Vue.js, and Angular

JavaScript frameworks are not new, but they’ve been gaining a lot of traction, and for a good reason. Tools like React, Vue.js, and Angular are becoming the backbone of modern web development. They are not just libraries; they are entire ecosystems that improve developer productivity and make building complex, interactive UIs a breeze.

In my opinion, these frameworks will continue to dominate in 2017, and we’ll likely see an influx of community-contributed modules and even more powerful features.


WebAssembly is another technology that has caught my eye. This new binary format allows you to run code on web browsers at speeds that come close to native execution. This means we can finally port computation-heavy tasks like 3D rendering or complex calculations right into web applications. This is a game-changer, and I’m eagerly waiting to see how it unfolds in 2017.

GraphQL Over REST

REST APIs have been the cornerstone of web services for a long time. However, GraphQL, a new query language for APIs, offers a more efficient, powerful, and flexible alternative. It allows clients to request exactly what they need, improving both performance and the developer experience. I foresee a wider adoption of GraphQL in the coming year as businesses look to optimize their data-fetching strategies.

Static Site Generators: GatsbyJS and Next.js

Static site generators like GatsbyJS and Next.js are starting to gain popularity, and I think this trend will continue into 2017. These tools pre-build HTML pages at build time, improving performance and security while also enabling dynamic site content through APIs. If you’re a React developer like me, these generators are a dream come true.

CSS Grid Layout

Let’s not forget about CSS! The CSS Grid Layout is going mainstream, and this will revolutionize how we think about designing web layouts. No longer will we have to rely solely on JavaScript frameworks for responsive design. This is a breath of fresh air for front-end developers and UI/UX designers alike.

Serverless Architecture

Lastly, the serverless architecture is no longer just a buzzword. With computing services like AWS Lambda, you can build highly scalable apps without even having to manage servers. This approach is going to attract more businesses looking to minimize infrastructure costs and focus on building features that matter.


In summary, 2017 promises to be an exciting year for web developers. From the rise of PWAs, the continued dominance of JavaScript frameworks, to groundbreaking changes like WebAssembly and GraphQL, there’s a lot to look forward to. Tools and architectures that boost web app capabilities, developer experience, and performance are on the horizon, and I can’t wait to see how they reshape the web development landscape.

A seasoned project manager & CEO since 2008. MD with medical IT skills. 300+ web projects. Published author. SaaS expert. read more

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